Never stop dreaming with lots of colors.
This is the story of a friendship. And a passion. Jorge Ortí and Álex Purvis are the founders of the company that has revolutionized the world of athletic socks. They studied together, diversified their professional careers and then merged again to create a modern and technological concept for one of the most neglected items in sports: socks.
Moments of hard work, some doubts, and a strong personal commitment have established a brand that has consolidated its position in the complex and competitive international sports industry. Welcome to SPORCKS.
We are in Valencia. Jorge and Álex decided to take the first step and put into action their training in marketing, social media and e-commerce. The triathlon with all its sporting and marketing culture is the driving force behind the birth of the brand. But why socks?
"We are big consumers of sports brands and we noticed a saturation in terms of certain 'classic' products. There is a constant evolution in terms of technology and design of t-shirts, jerseys, helmets, shoes... however, the socks had been left behind," recalls Jorge.
"They are a basic garment, but were acting as an add-on: they had no personality of their own. This caught our attention. There are brands that have created their own identity through neck warmers or gloves, but feet were limited to shoes. The socks had made technological advances, but they still had not been given a personality of their own. We saw that there was a market niche to be exploited and we went for it," says Álex as he finishes up his first coffee of the morning.
''Sockdoping'' is born.
Different brands had sketched some concept or focused on technically good products, but with flat or repetitive designs. SPORCKS gave a twist to the concept: seeking differentiation through socks. And how was this achieved? With two elements that mark this long-distance race: attractive designs and high-quality standards.
"We want to give socks their own personality through signature designs that evoke sports at its best, but SPORCKS is much more than that. We wanted to create a culture, a movement. The challenge was to seduce people and transmit that it is not just a trend, but rather we had to make the customer understand that it is a technical product that will allow you to perform and recover better during sports practice", say the young entrepreneurs.
Worldwide exposure.
The decision has been made and the time has come for the big shot. Months of hard work, thousands of hours invested and many uncertainties came along with SPORCKS in its awakening. The first collection required almost a year of work. At a technical level, the decision was clear: quality must be essential and the manufacturing process has to be national. Valencia is SPORCKS' engine room. Close to home, within a region that has always been at the forefront of textile production, is where the fabrics that clothe the feet of more than 50,000 athletes all over the world were created.
On a creative level, these were busy months. The path was filled with doubts and fears. Lots of trial and error, uncertainties, restless nights and the sensation of jumping into the unknown were alleviated when the first cycling, running and triathlon collections became available for purchase in 2016.
"Doubts revolved around whether it was viable. Big brands, such as Adidas or Nike, included socks in their catalogs, but it was a secondary item to which they did not give much importance. That situation generated a sense of anxiety because that was our line of business. We had to create a trend, a product culture. The challenge was big and the fears were there," says Jorge.
Trust the process.
The market was unfamiliar, but the uncertainty was soon cleared up. All growth projections were in vain because the athletes' response exceeded all our expectations. "It was clear to us that we were going to move forward. It was then or never. In this sense, the concern was to focus fully on it. Giving up everything for SPORCKS was risky, but we made the right decision." Alex is clear that he would not change anything about the process.
Six years later, everything turned out to be a success. Every goal and objective has been achieved. The team started with two and now has four members, in addition to a network of collaborators and professional athletes that turned SPORCKS into a reference in the athletic socks industry.
Jorge is satisfied with the steady trajectory, although it has only just begun: "We are setting the trend worldwide. Seeing your designs in the United Arab Emirates and in Australia and seeing someone wearing your socks on the street or at a sporting event is extremely satisfying. Seeing people from different cultures and traditions happy and getting positive feedback is a feeling that validates your work more than any balance sheet."
The target is growing and there is no stopping it. The need to improve, to keep creating new designs and to develop new product lines remains unchanged. It is the essence of the SPORCKS universe. More than a product, it is a culture itself. More than just a sock: SPORCKS.