48 hours with Fernando Alarza and Cristóbal Dios
We embarked on a new SPORCKS adventure, some time ago we had the idea of recording a video with several of our ambassadors, but between competitions and training it was very difficult to balance the date, so taking advantage of the fact that Fernando and Cristóbal were meeting in Mar de Pulpí and they had given us the green light, we decided to undertake one of the most intense trips of our lives.
DAY 1:
Sunny dawns in Valencia with a forecast of more than 20 degrees, a calm day appears, without surprises, at least in our opinion. At 11:00 AM we had an appointment with Carlos and Óscar, the people in whom we have placed our trust for the recording of this video. They come so loaded with “gadgets”, tripods, sliders and a long list of accessories that I almost had to stay on the ground.
Along the way they only talk about shots, angles, framing and cinematographic resources that sounds Chinese to us, but seeing how their faces change when talking about all this gives us confidence.
We land in Mar de Pulpí at 2:30 p.m., where the two triathletes in bermuda shorts are waiting for us to eat, with a certain tiredness reflected on their faces. These have been intense days for them and they have just finished a series on a bike that would have left any of us out of the game for a few days. During the coffee time we adjust the schedules with them, where Óscar and Carlos explain the needs they have to get the video they have in mind.
Let the show begin… lights, camera and action!!!
We waited for you in a location that Alex, my partner, gave a very good impression from the car and when we got closer it turned out to be the perfect place. So, we start the car, we fly the drone and we make them run over and over again behind Carlos, who goes with the camera in the trunk and takes advantage of each stride to get quality content, meanwhile Óscar takes advantage of the aerial shots with the drone.
During these intense 30 minutes I take the opportunity to take some photos of the making of and enjoy the strides of these two critters live. Once the action plans are finished, small details are recorded as a resource and we let them go, which at 6:00 p.m. had a half-hour warm-up and a 3 X 1750m at heart-stopping rhythms. There is no drone to keep up with it, we just turn off the cameras and enjoy the show.
Once sunset in Mar de Pulpí we meet Fernando and Cristóbal the next day on the beach at dawn, a long day is expected.
DAY 2:
The alarm clocks go off at 7:00 AM at the Calypso Hotel on the beachfront, I go out on the terrace and the sun hasn't made any move to appear yet, the one I do see is Oscar flying his drone... these people don't disconnect!
At 7:20 AM we go down to the beach, where the wind is cold and it is still night. Óscar and Carlos begin to calibrate all the technical equipment and Alex and I crawl in search of a good coffee, which we never get.
It is at 8:00 AM when we see Fernando and Cristóbal appear with their wetsuits halfway on and cursing us for making them get up so early on their rest day.
The sand is cold and the sun is beginning to peek out from behind an islet in the background. Believe me, the image is postcard-perfect and the plans they are taking are brutal. I once again take advantage of the situation to take some photos of the moment of filming and thus remember this beautiful moment together with our ambassadors.
After an hour of recording we let the boys go to breakfast, a full morning awaits them, with a swimming session, a 30-minute easy run on foot and a strength session before lunch.
At 4:00 PM, after eating and enjoying a coffee under the sun in Mar de Pulpí, Fernando and Cristóbal appear fully equipped for the bike recording, of which we have very, very high expectations.
What we do to get the perfect shots is to completely empty the car, so that Carlos can sit in the trunk of the car and record everything in detail. On the other hand, Oscar is waiting to record the final shot that will close this video on the edge of a cliff.
To end some impressive days with these two Pros, we let them play a little with Oscar's drone and from the air it is Fer who takes the photo that closes this entry.
We do not want to end this post without THANKING Cristóbal and Fernando for all the time they have dedicated and the love they have given us, THANK YOU FOR MAKING US FEEL AT HOME!